Features Live Action Movies


Directors – Lina Lužytė, Nerijus Milerius – 2024 – Lithuania – 83m


A woman who checks bodies entering a morgue investigates one that she is convinced has been registered under a false name – premieres in the Critics’ Picks Competition of the 28th Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival

The concept of Johatsu or ‘vanished people’ – which is never explained here, merely name-checked in the title – originated in Japan, where it refers to people who vanish from their everyday lives without a trace. One way to achieve that goal would be to fake your own death, which is exactly what Lina (Zygimante Elena Jakstaite) believes she has stumbled upon someone doing as this opens.

Lina works as an orderly in a morgue. When the fresh corpse of a man supposedly blown up in an explosion on a ship is identified as her husband by his widow, Lina becomes convinced that the woman is lying, and that the body is that of someone else entirely. Which begs the question, what happened to the real husband?

First off, Lina takes it upon herself to visit and question the supposed dead man’s wife. Talking to the woman, she discovers that before the body turned up, the husband had already been ‘missing’ for around three years.… Read the rest

Live Action Movies Shorts


Director – Chan Kam-hei – 2015 – Hong Kong – Cert. N/C 15+ – 24m


A schoolgirl pretends to be a boy at home because her mother can’t deal with her being a girl – online and Free To View in the UK in the Fresh Wave short films strand of Focus Hong Kong 2021 from Tuesday, February 9th to Monday, February 15th

Teenager Nam takes off a feminine top and changes into his/her boy’s school uniform. As a boy, s/he calls in on her grandpa to pick up a plate, waiting ’til she’s out of sight of the house to dispose of the contents in a dumpster, then proceeds home to where her mother has turned the apartment upside down ina hunt for earring. Her mother is only interested in her own looks. Does she look okay? He likes me in earrings, she says.

At night, Nam sneaks round to her friend’s, a boy who lets her wash her smalls – bra, knickers – in bowls in his bedsit sink. Only at thisa point does it become clear Nam is a she. She helps him with homework. He jokes, asking her to move I with him or can he walk her home.… Read the rest