Animation Features Live Action Movies Shorts


(Zan, 斬、)


The Adventures
of Denchu Kozo
(Denchu Kozou
no Boken,

Killing (Sawamura)

Director – Shinya Tsukamoto – 2018 – Japan – Cert. 18 – 79m


[Update: The Adventures of Denchu Kozo streams on the Arrow Channel from Friday, May 3rd 2024.]

The Adventures of Denchu Kozo (Denchu kozo no boken)

Director – Shinya Tsukamoto – 1987 – Japan – 45m



Director – Shinya Tsukamoto – 2005 – Japan – Cert. 15 – 48m


Shinya Tsukamoto’s latest feature, the samurai movie Killing comes to UK Blu-ray in a two-disc edition, along with two fascinating shorts: the Super-8 epic The Adventures of Denchu Kozo and the later masterpiece Haze. All three feature informative audio commentaries by Tom Mes, author of Iron Man: The Cinema of Shinya Tsukamoto (2005). The director is probably best known for cyberpunk epics Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989) and its sequel/reboot Tetsuo II: Body Hammer (1992) which concern the fusion of flesh and metal into a new evolutionary human weapon form. His new film similarly explores the samurai and his metal blade becoming as one in a deadly human fighting machine. Read the rest…

Review published in All The Anime.

Animation Movies Shorts


Director – Stéphanie Clément – 2022 – France – 11m


A nine-year-old struggles with the trauma that befalls her at her grandpa’s – nominated for Best Animated Short at the 2024 Academy Awards, VoD details below review

She’s nine (voice-over: Christa Theret), and in the Summer she goes to stay with granny and grandpa. She plays on a swing, missing mum and dad, she watches a cabbage white butterfly in the garden. The house is tidy, ordered, perhaps obsessively so. It smells of polish; the kitchen smells of bleach. Tomorrow, grandpa will take her to the lake, where he likes to fish. To get to her bedroom, she must pass the big, intimidating horn mounted at the top of the stairs, a hunting trophy from a pachyderm. In her room, she can see eyes watching her from the wood grain of the ceiling timbers. She doesn’t sleep by counting sheep; she kills monsters. As the floorboards creak outside her door, she hides in the wallpaper, in the flowers, in sleep. After all, as grandma says, what could happen?

Before the trip, she accidentally pricks a finger on one of grandpa’s fishing hooks – lures, as they call them – but grandpa kisses the cut better with the kiss that heals all things.… Read the rest

Animation Live Action Movies Shorts

Letter to a Pig

Director – Tal Kantor – 2022 – France, Israel – 17m


Under the watchful eye of an authoritarian teacher, as a class of bored teenagers listens to a visiting Holocaust survivor recount his experiences, one of their number daydreams about the pig with which the survivor shared a barn – nominated for Best Animated Short at the 2024 Academy Awards, VoD details below review

A figure (voice: Indra Maharik) with one shoe flees, running through a forest. “Nothing mattered”, says the old man sitting, his hands clasped together on the desk, in front of the schoolroom of bored Israeli teenagers. Haim (voice: Alexander Peleg) is recounting his experiences under the Nazi regime, but the teenagers would rather be somewhere else. Haim tells how he fled to a barn, where the pig there effectively saved his life. The severe teacher (voice: Ayelet Margalit) ejects one of them for remarking, “oink, oink”. Haim, recounting the past, talks about people capable of hate not deserving to live; he has clearly been unable to forgive those who acted on behalf of the Nazi regime.

Drifting off into a reverie, in her mind’s eye, one girl (voice: Moriyah Meerson) sees the SS send a pig to pursue the boy through the forest.… Read the rest

Animation Documentary Features Live Action Movies Shorts

Film Festivals

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Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival (PÖFF)

London Korean Film Festival (LKFF)

London East Asia Film Festival (LEAFF)

Cinema Unbound: The Creative Worlds Of Powell + Pressburger

BFI London Film Festival (LFF)


Focus Hong Kong

Japan Foundation (JPF) Touring Film Programme


Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival (PÖFF)

London Korean Film Festival (LKFF)

London East Asia Film Festival (LEAFF)

BFI London Film Festival (LFF)


Focus Hong Kong Making Waves

BFI Anime 2022

Japan Foundation (JPF) Touring Film Programme

Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival (YIDFF)

Focus Hong Kong Chinese New Year


BFI Japan 2021

MUBI New South Korean Cinema season

London Korean Film Festival (LKFF)

London East Asia Film Festival (LEAFF)

BFI London Film Festival (LFF)

Scotland Loves Anime


Japan Foundation (JPF) Touring Film Programme

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Animation Documentary Features Live Action Movies Shorts

The Picks that spoiled our film critic!

Jeremy Clarke returns to the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival in order to cover the Critics’ Picks section (which is now on its second year); he encounters what’s probably the strongest section of the event

Some people have a fear of flying. I don’t, but dislike of all the bureaucratic paraphernalia that surrounds airports. Not to mention London’s transport system, which is good most of the time, but not so much when it goes wrong. Coming home from the Festival last year, I got caught up in a tube strike. That didn’t happen this year. Indeed, the travel to and from the airport worked better for a number of reasons.

One was that the Festival’s hospitality team were kind enough to book my flights to and from Heathrow. This meant I could use the Elizabeth Line to travel to and from the airport. I currently live on the Victoria Line, which connects directly with three major rail terminals (Kings Cross, Euston, Victoria) but not the Elizabeth Line. The Elizabeth was all a bit too new last year, but Londoners who frequently travel into the centre of town as I do have got rather more used to it, and the Oxford Circus (Victoria Line) to Bond Street (Central Line) to Heathrow (Elizabeth Line) is reasonably easy to navigate.… Read the rest

Live Action Movies Shorts


Director – Lee Gi-cheol – 1998 – South Korea – 15m

Master sergeant Kim tells the story of the framed scissors hanging on the wall of his barber’s shop – in the KAFA Shorts: A Midsummer’s Fantasia programme from LKFF, the London Korean Film Festival 2023 which runs in cinemas from Thursday, November 2nd to Thursday, November 16th

A barber’s shop: seemingly a place where one comes to relax and have a refreshing haircut and / or shave. That’s not really the case in master sergeant Kim’s barber’s shop, though, as he tells his clientele about the pair of scissors framed on the wall. Among his listeners, a man gets fresh with a compliant woman, feeling her inside legs up as the Sergeant proceeds with his tale of past torture.

The short just about holds the attention on the strength of its quirky characters, but it’s pretty odd, to say the least.

Scissors plays in the KAFA Shorts: A Midsummer’s Fantasia programme from LKFF, the London Korean Film Festival 2023 which runs in cinemas from Thursday, November 2nd to Thursday, November 16th.

Live Action Movies Shorts

2001 Imagine

Director – Jang Joon-hwan – 1994 – South Korea – 31m


Born on the date of John Lennon’s assassination, a man believes himself to be the former Beatle – in the KAFA Shorts: A Midsummer’s Fantasia programme from LKFF, the London Korean Film Festival 2023 which runs in cinemas from Thursday, November 2nd to Thursday, November 16th

On the 8th December 1980, John Lennon is shot dead by Mark Robert Chapman in New York City. That same day, a child is born in South Korea. As the child grows into adulthood, he realises that he is the reincarnation of John Lennon. He grows his hair long and wears round lensed spectacles. Looking at him, you immediately think, John Lennon.

He tries to get record companies interested in his songs, but they don’t seem to grasp that he has the talent of John Lennon. Listening to him sing, and comparing the result to recordings of the first John Lennon playing on the soundtrack, neither do we.

His mother is confined to a hospital bed. He realises that if he reveals to her his true identity, i.e. he is John Lennon, then this would offer her hope and help cure her. This turns out to be a huge error of judgement on his part when he whispers the news in her ear, and she dies of shock on the spot.… Read the rest

Live Action Movies Shorts


Director – Bong Joon Young – 2016 – South Korea – 11m


Doesn’t anyone else hear those disturbing whines and explosions you do? – in the KAFA Shorts: A Midsummer’s Fantasia programme from LKFF, the London Korean Film Festival 2023 which runs in cinemas from Thursday, November 2nd to Thursday, November 16th

It took me a while to work out – or at least hazard a guess – that the central character here is a girl: the actress has one of those androgynous faces that you can read as either male or female, and the character’s garb if anything suggests a young man rather than a young woman. Perhaps that contributes further to the eerie narrative as the character starts hearing noises – a series of brief whines getting higher and higher, which presage later sounds like fireworks or bombs going off. But there’s nothing to e seen to match these sounds; only the sounds themselves, And the character appears to be the only person on the bus who can hear them.

Well, not quite. A man is wearing headphones, and when he accosts her and insist she tries them on, she discovers that they can cut the sound down to quite some degree.… Read the rest

Live Action Movies Shorts

Love Glitch

Director – Lee Kwang-ho – 2019 – South Korea – 26m


On their wedding day, a bride attempts to remove he groom’s memory of a previous girlfriend– in the KAFA Shorts: A Midsummer’s Fantasia programme from LKFF, the London Korean Film Festival 2023 which runs in cinemas from Thursday, November 2nd to Thursday, November 16th

In a large van presumably on her way with her groom to the wedding reception, the bride has him rendered unconscious, so a device can be placed upon his head that will allow her, guided by representatives of the firm she’s hired, to tamper with his brain and erase what she considers undesirable memories, i.e. the memories of the previous girlfriend with whom he spent six years.

Her assistant has a handgun; she is given what appears to be a blue toy pistol. Entering her groom’s memories in this armed state, she is able to, for instance, enter a scenario in a restaurant and shoot at the woman who turns into increasingly large square blocks of pixels before vanishing from sight altogether. It turns out that the hardest image to erase is the final parting when they split up because this image carries with it more emotional pain and trauma than the previous ones.… Read the rest

Animation Movies Shorts

Giant’ Room

Director – Kim Si-jin – 2012 – South Korea – 11m


A man enters a mysterious room and eats a cooked chicken… – in the KAFA Shorts: A Midsummer’s Fantasia programme from LKFF, the London Korean Film Festival 2023 which runs in cinemas from Thursday, November 2nd to Thursday, November 16th

A man enters a room he should probably not have entered. Inside, on a table, is a cooked chicken under a protective metal lattice net. Periodically, the net rises and he eats some of the tasty chicken. He’s devoured maybe 80% of it in several binges of consumption when it starts moving of its own volition, recalling the moving chicken dinner in Eraserhead (David Lynch, 1977).

Then the situation changes as a giant arrives and sits at the table, and our protagonist finds himself under the protective metal lattice net.

All this gains a strange, otherworldly, surreal quality through being wrought in stop-frame animation with striking puppets.

Giant’ Room plays in the KAFA Shorts: A Midsummer’s Fantasia programme from LKFF, the London Korean Film Festival 2023 which runs in cinemas from Thursday, November 2nd to Thursday, November 16th.