Director – Peter Cattaneo– 2019 – UK – Cert.12A – 112m
Available on Blu-ray and DVD from Monday, July 6th.
Currently streaming on iTunes, Amazon Prime and Curzon Home Cinema.
Twenty and a bit years after the hilarious British comedy The Full Monty (Peter Cattaneo, 1997) in which a group of unemployed male steelworkers reinvent themselves as a striptease act, director Cattaneo tries something similar with a group of soldiers’ wives on a British army base at the time of the Afghanistan War who, in order to deal with their isolation from their active service husbands, reinvent themselves as a ladies choir.
Where the men in the earlier film underwent a crisis of identity when they lost their jobs, the women here are by default defined by their absent husbands, waiting for the text messages that inform them their men are out of satellite contact until further notice or, worse, the knock on the door bringing news of their loved one’s death.

I review Military Wives for
Available on Blu-ray and DVD from Monday, July 6th.
Currently streaming on iTunes, Amazon Prime and Curzon Home Cinema.